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Photo. Gallery

 Transition1.gif  a-The Choir prepares to enter.jpg  b-Brian is presented toThe Bishop by Fr Hugh Bowron and Vicar's Warden Tubby Hopkins.jpg  c-Stephen Hill reads the first lesson.jpg  d-Janie Kilkelly reads the second lesson.jpg  e.The Bishop delivers his sermon.jpg  f-The Bishop and Assisting Priests lay hands on the candidate during the Ordination.jpg  g-Brian is anointed with oil.jpg  h-The new priest is vested by his trainer Fr Hugh Bowron.jpg  i-Fr Hugh Bowron, The Bishop and Fr Brian Kilkelly celebrate the Eucharist.jpg  j-Celebrating the Eucharist.jpg  k-Fr Hugh Bowron and Fr Brian Kilkelly dispense communion.jpg  l-Brian's family leaves after the service.jpg  m-A new Priest blesses his Bishop.jpg  n-A Priest and his Bishop leave the Cathedral.jpg
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